Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

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Through this notice,Manuel Veleda Perez CIF 76769043B, hereinafter “the accommodation”, domiciled inC/Fuencarral,20,1, informs users of the website of its privacy policy.

The use of the website of the accommodation and any of the services that are incorporated in it supposes the full acceptance of the conditions that are manifested in the privacy policy that is exposed.


In accordance with current legislation, it is reported that the personal data requested on our forms will be included in a personal data file whose owner and owner is the accommodation. Likewise, by filling out any of the forms with the personal data requested and accepting its submission, the accommodation is expressly authorized to process or incorporate into its automated files the personal data provided through the aforementioned forms, as well as all the data generated in connection with your participation or use of the different services offered on this website.

Unless expressly stated otherwise at the time of collection, all the personal data that is collected is a mandatory contribution as they are essential elements for the management, maintenance and control of our contractual relationship. Failure to provide them will lead to the impossibility of processing your request or providing the contracted service. Personal data will be collected exclusively for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy.

The user must fill out the forms with true, exact, complete and up-to-date data, being the only responsible for any direct or indirect damage or harm caused to the accommodation or to any third party due to filling in the forms with false, inaccurate data, incomplete or not updated or with data from third parties. You agree to communicate any changes that may occur in accordance with the procedure established in section 4.


The data provided will never be used for a purpose other than that for which it has been transferred, and will be immediately canceled when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, except when a law establishes otherwise.

Regarding the contractual relationship:  Manage the reservation you make and process your registration request as a client of the accommodation and the subsequent commercial relationship. In those cases where it is necessary, additional data such as the age of the guests or health data may be collected if necessary to take it into account for the preparation of the stay (baby cots, food allergens ...)

Manage the obligations arising from the contracting of the products or services provided by the accommodation.

Proceed to collect the amounts due when the cancellation of a reservation occurs outside the deadlines, if any, enabled for this purpose.

Regarding legal obligations  of communication to public authorities, regulators or government bodies that through a law, legal norms or regulatory obligations, the accommodation must perform.

Regarding the interest of the Accommodation:  Carry out commercial and / or advertising actions or communications related to products or services similar to those contracted with the Hotel.

Conduct satisfaction surveys related to the products and / or services contracted by you, in order to assess your satisfaction with it, in order to improve processes and services of the Hotel.


In accordance with the provisions of point 2, the Accommodation may communicate your personal data to the following entities:

Public authorities, regulators or governmental or jurisdictional bodies in those cases in which it is necessary to do so by law, local regulations or in compliance with regulatory obligations.

Third entities with which the Accommodation has contracted the provision of services, by way of example and not limitation: legal and / or accounting advice, technology service provider companies, computer service provider companies ...


The consents provided in the cases provided for in this act may be revoked by you at any time, at your simple request. Interested persons have the right to:

  • Request access to personal data related to the interested party
  • Request its rectification or deletion
  • Request limitation of your treatment
  • Oppose treatment
  • Request data portability

For this you must go to the accommodation via or by written and signed communication (attaching a copy of the DNI or other equivalent identification document) addressed to the person responsible for the file,Manuel Veleda Perez,C/Fuencarral,20,1.

If you consider that the accommodation has not respected any of the aforementioned rights, you will have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.


Your personal data will be kept for the entire duration of the contractual relationship between you and the Accommodation and while responsibilities may arise from the execution of the contractual relationship, as well as for the fulfillment of other legal obligations in charge of the accommodation.


The accommodation has adopted the legally required security levels of personal data protection and has installed the technical means and measures at its disposal to prevent loss, misuse, alteration and unauthorized access to the personal data provided.


Through this notice, the accommodation informs users that it uses cookies when the user navigates through the different screens and pages of the Web. The cookies used by the accommodation are stored on the user´s hard drive but cannot read the data contained therein or read the cookie files created by other providers. The accommodation uses cookies in order to recognize users who have registered and to offer them a better and more personalized service. They are also used to obtain completely anonymous information on access data (date, hour, minute, frequency, etc.), to measure some traffic parameters within the website itself and to estimate the number of visits made, so that the Accommodation can focus and adjust the services offered more effectively. However, the user will be able to prevent the generation of cookies through the corresponding option that their browser program has. In this case, the website will remain operational, but without the advantages of personalization.


Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States ("Google"). Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files located on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted and filed by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information on our behalf in order to keep track of your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services related to website activity and Internet use. Google may transmit said information to third parties when so required by law, or when said third parties process the information on Google´s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You can reject the treatment of data or information by rejecting the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however, you should know that if you do so, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of information about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes indicated above.


The accommodation reserves the right to modify its privacy protection policy according to its criteria, or due to a legislative or jurisprudential change. If the accommodation introduces any modification, the new text will be published on this same page, where the user may have knowledge of the privacy policy. In any case, the relationship with users will be governed by the rules established at the precise moment in which the website is accessed.